Gain competitive advantage and increase your business value with UiPath, a leading RPA platform

MII help customers to successfully implemented UiPath solution with proven experiences and certified RPA developers.  

Have you ever worked the same routine everyday?

You go to work, turn on your computer, open email, download files with thousands data, process the data and input to the system one by one, and compile it to report. Maybe it took half your work day to finish the task, or maybe more. That might not be a problem in one day, but imagine if everyday your routine repeat with newly sent files. Your day at job will be boring instead because of that repetitive, time consuming tasks.  

That's how Robotic Process Automation (RPA) comes in the picture. RPA bots will help emulate that routine you do on the user interface of a device / computer everyday. So instead of you becoming a robot, we bring assistant robot to help you with that repetitive tasks.

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that allows organisations to automate the rule-based, repetitive, high-volume tasks using software robots. These robots will mimic the interaction of humans with interface of the system in a process, that have been configured before in the forms of rules. The robots will be programmed to follow those rules, helping employees with mundane, repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on solving problems and creating value for company.